The Junk Drawer

Sep 4, 2022    Steve Vandop

Have you ever found yourself in the junk drawer of life? Maybe you’ve been in and out of the drawer. Maybe you’re stuck in it right now, feeling purposeless and forgotten.⁠

Steve Vandop had some good news for us this past Sunday! Somewhere in the back of our minds, we know that the items we put in our junk drawers will once again see the light of day and be useful again. What if the same is true about us?

Here are some questions to help you process this message and apply it to your life:

1. Where in your house is your junk drawer located? When is the last time you sorted through it looking for something?

2. Describe a time that you felt like you were sitting in the proverbial junk drawer feeling ignored or useless.

3. What stood out to you the most in the message?

4. Read Philemon. What stood out for you in this letter? What character could you relate to the most? (Paul (the writer), Onesimus (the runaway)?

5. If you attend TMP and are serving on a team - thank you! If not, would you consider serving on a team? Check out the TMP App or go to to see the various ways in which you can serve.